Giant Cup Mushroom Coral
(Amplexidiscus sp. on Scleractinia.)
$92.99 - $128.99
Amplexidiscus corals are primarily found in the Indo-Pacific region, particularly in shallow waters often in areas with sandy or rubble substrates attached to rocks or other hard surfaces. Like most corals, Amplexidiscus corals have a symbiotic relationship with zooxanthellae algae. These algae reside within their tissues and provide the corals with energy through photosynthesis. They rely heavily on photosynthesis for their nutritional needs but can also benefit from supplemental feeding. Amplexidiscus corals are relatively easy to care for in a well-maintained aquarium. They require stable water parameters, moderate lighting, and low to medium water flow. The water quality should be kept pristine, and regular water changes are important for their health and well-being. Amplexidiscus corals generally have a moderate tolerance to copper. However, it is important to maintain stable and appropriate copper levels in the aquarium. Copper-based medications should be used with caution and following proper dosing instructions, taking into consideration the sensitivity of other tank inhabitants. Amplexidiscus corals have a distinctive disc-shaped appearance, with a central mouth surrounded by tentacles. The tentacles can vary in color and pattern, ranging from vibrant hues to more subdued tones. The disc shape can range in diameter from a few centimeters to several inches, depending on the species and individual specimen. Corals will benefit from the addition of Calcium, Strontium, Iodine, Magnesium and Trace Elements.
Amplexidiscus Mushroom Corals are also known as Elephant Ear or Giant Cup Mushroom Coral. Uncommonly seen in the aquarium trade. The Amplexidiscus Mushroom Corals are quite beautiful with a range of colors. However most commonly seen with shades of tan, ivory, brown or gray. Amplexidiscus Mushroom Corals will vary greatly in size and formation.
Water conditions: Salinity 1.023 - 1.025 Temp (F) 72 - 78, pH 8.1 - 8.4, Hardness 8 - 12 dKH
Frozen Food
Live Food