Goldflake Maroon Clownfish

(Amphiprion biaculeatus)

$101.99 - $119.99
Premnas Clownfish should be added to a well established aquarium with plenty of rock work and swimming area. Also known as anemonefish they are hardy, reef safe and easy to care for. Premnas Clownfish create a symbiotic relationship with bulb anemones specifically the species entacmaea quadricolor. Anemonefish are dependant on anemone's for shelter and protection and provide food and cleaning services to the anemone. Known as the most aggresive of the anemonefish, Premnas Clownfish are territorial and will chase neighbors away from their host anemone. Females are larger than the males and are protandrous hermaphrodites, meaning the juveniles mature into males but may reproduce as females later in life. Anemonefish should be fed a diet of meaty and herbivore based foods. Avoid using nets as the cheekspines may become enTangled. Premnas Clownfish should not be exposed to copper levels near or above .15.

The Goldflake Maroon Clownfish is quite a beautiful variation of the classic Maroon Clownfish species. This Captive Bred Clownfish variety is commonly seen in the aquarium trade. Juvenile Goldflake Maroon Clownfish have quite different variations of the classic stripes seen in the Maroon Clownfish. The Goldflake versions will have unique shapes, patterns and sized stripes making this fish a highly sought after addition to the home aquarium. Like most other Maroon Clownfish as they mature the stripes will begin to turn yellow. The female Goldflake Maroon Clownfish can grow to almost 6" with males only reaching about 3".

We recommend a minimum aquarium size of 30 gallons or larger for this species.

Water conditions: Salinity 1.020 - 1.025, Temp (F) 72 - 78, pH 8.1 - 8.4, Alkalinity 8 - 12 dKH

  • Care: CareModerateModerate CareDifficultDifficult
  • Behavior: BehaviorSocialSocial
  • Diet: DietFlake FoodFlake Food DietFrozen FoodFrozen Food DietLive FoodLive Food DietHerbivoreHerbivore
  • Habitat: HabitatReefReef
  • Light: LightHighHigh