Green Silk Dartfish

(Ptereleotris microlepis)

$27.79 - $119.99
Ptereleotris Dartfish should be added to well established aquariums with plenty of room to swim. Plenty of rock work with caves, cracks, crevices and a deep sand bed should be provided for hiding and sleeping. A diet rich in meaty based foods should be provided. Dartfishs color may fade if their diet is not adequate. To entice eating try feeding enriched live Brine, Glass/Grass shrimp, or black worms. Dartfish are shy peaceful fish and should be housed with similar peaceful fish. Dartfish may jump provide an aquarium with a tight fitting lid.

Green Silk Dartfish are also sometimes known as the Green Eye Dart, Long Finned Gudgeon, Pale, Pearly Goby. Occasionally seen in the aquarium trade. Green Silk Dartfish are overall beautiful blue color. Green Silk Dartfish can grow to almost 5".

We recommend a minimum aquarium size of 30 gallons or larger for this species.

Water conditions: Salinity 1.020 - 1.025, Temp (F) 72 - 78, pH 8.1 - 8.4, Alkalinity 8 - 12 dKH

  • Care: CareEasyEasy
  • Behavior: BehaviorSocialSocial
  • Diet: DietFrozen FoodFrozen Food DietFlake FoodFlake Food DietLive FoodLive Food
  • Habitat: HabitatReefReef
  • Light: LightHighHigh